July 2021
The Durham Showcase
- organised auditions with external professionals
- timetabled all rehearsals
- arranged workshops with acting professionals
- continually adapted through 6 months of creative re-imaginings and COVID rearrangements
- assembled a filming/technical team
- organised venue and equipment supervision
- managed all COVID security
- all social media publicity
- researched and wrote personal emails to 60+ agents and agencies to attain representation for the troupe
- single-handedly created and designed the website (upwards of 50 hours work)
The Durham Showcase is created annually by Durham Student Theatre's most capable finalists and I am very proud not only to have been selected as its producer but to have ensured its creation during a tumultuous year.
The Showcase was viewed 300+ times on the day of release and is still available to watch at www.thedurhamshowcase.org
Contact: du.showcase@durham.ac.uk